Thank you for visiting the Grace Church website. It is hoped that you will come to worship our Lord and Savior, Jesus, the Christ, at Grace.
Grace Church is located at 4536 Hickory-Lincolnton Highway in Newton, North Carolina. Grace is a member congregation of the North American Lutheran Church (NALC).
Worship with Holy Communion is at 10:30 AM every Sunday. The Learning Hour begins at 9:30 AM on Sundays with classes for all ages, including adult classes.
Here at Grace Church we currently have a couple of Pastors serving on a part-time basis. They are wonderful; however we have started the Call Process and are looking for a permanent full-time Pastor.
Our vision is “Christ Centered, Mission Driven, Traditionally-Grounded, Congregationally-Focused.” We respond to the needs of our congregation and community. Prayer is the cornerstone in nourishing our relationship with God – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We value God’s desires for the spiritual, psychological, emotional, and physical wellbeing for all His children. We support various worldwide and local ministries through benevolence. We, as a church body, provide: food pantry items to Ashure, Stephen Ministers, trunk or treat, shoebox ministry, homebound visitation with communion, and many more member sponsored programs. The pastor we seek should be a person guided by the Holy Spirit to take this call. The pastor’s sermon should be scripturally driven/Bible-based; he/she should be a preacher who possesses religious integrity and an inspirational teacher. He/she should also possess relationship skills with all age groups and have a vision for growth.