Before the actual work began on the rebuilding, cleaning away of the rubble was done by the men of Grace Congregation. The men also cut trees and prepared lumber for the new building, contributing much time, energy, and use of their equipment to the project.
The first service was held in the basement Chapel on July 17, 1949, exactly three years from the date that Pastor Hoke Ritchie preached his first sermon at Grace Church. The completion of the upstairs Nave was delayed by the late arrival of the Art Glass windows and the Nave furnishings. The first service upstairs was on March 26, 1950 when Rev. Peter J. Dexnis started a three day Preaching Mission in the parish. The first morning worship was on Palm Sunday, April 2, 1950. This was almost exactly eight years from the date, April 5, 1942, when the first service was held in the brick church which burned.
A Hammond Organ and Chimes were installed for the first service in the upstairs Nave. On July 20, 1950 a beautiful red rug was installed, due in part to a member slipping and breaking her arm on the highly polished Nave wooden floor.
During the program of rebuilding, the congregation showed a great response to the benevolent causes of the church at large. All obligations were met in full and double apportionment was paid during the years of 1948 and 1949.
During the spring of 1951, the Grace Church Council voted to begin a final drive to liquidate the small debt carried on the church. On July 1, 1951, it was announced that contributions on that Sunday had brought the fund over the top. This was in the fifth year of the pastorate of the Rev. Hoke Ritchie at Grace. On August 19, 1951, Pastor Ritchie resigned as pastor of Grace Church in order to become pastor of Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church in Rocky Mount, NC.
On September 16, 1951, the Cornerstone was laid at the same time the church was dedicated to the Glory of God. In the Cornerstone were placed: A Bible, a Common Service Book, a copy of the congregation’s constitution, a copy of the minutes of the North Carolina Synod, 1950, a copy of The Lutheran for November 19, 1941 (a duplicate of the one used in the former Cornerstone) as well as a copy for September 5, 1951, a copy of the Sesquicentennial Anniversary Booklet, and a copy of the Dedication Booklet.